31) Macaron

Essence Bakery Tempe Arizona. This is a beautiful shot of a very tasty treat. Photographed by Reed Rahn.

32) Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

This image was a promotional photograph for a mailer I sent out.

33) No Crust

Another promotional mailer image.

34) Cherries

Food photograph created for the book “50 Foods For Sex”. When you are a food photographer perspective is everything. More macro food photography close-ups.

35) Kiwi

From the book ‘50 Foods For Sex”. Kiwis were sliced and put on light box.

36) Papaya

One of my favorite food photography images of all time. The photo was a pure act of God. This was also an image for the book 50 Foods For Sex”.

37) Honey

This food photograph required a fast flash duration. It was necessary to put reflection cards around the glass jar! Another image used for the “50 Foods For Sex” book.

38) Dark Grapes

Perspective made this image. And included in the book.

39) Kale

Three different types of kale. Being an inventor of lighting has helped me be a food photographer that can stand out from the crowd.

40) Food For Passion Poster

This was a Poster created from the book “50 Foods For Sex”.

I hope you have enjoyed these images and please contact Reed Rahn if you are looking for a food photographer with the skill to make your food images come alive. Whether it's for the web or print, advertising or menu images Reed's your guy and can be reached at 480-829-7455.